Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week#4 My favorite concept

This was an extremely interesting chapter but the most interesting concept in this chapter was the Psychological model of communication. The reading states that "This model depicts communication a a psychological process whereby two(or more) individuals exchange meanings through the transmission and reception of communication stimuli." -(26)  It discusses basic communication from one person to another. The model states that the two people communicating are the sender/receiver who encodes and decodes messages. They filter messages through a mental set. A mental set is a persons beliefs, values, attitudes, feelings and so on. It discusses how faulty communication occurs. It discusses how people's mental sets can be far apart that they decode or interpret messages different from how the sender intended it to be. This perspective is also called a laws approach to research. Communication scientist describe this approach as cause and effect laws that connect communication variables.  I find that this communication model is true, 2 people can be in 1 conversation and be talking about two completely different things because the mind set is different. A lot of time their is faulty communication as stated before based on the fact that people have two different backgrounds and interpret things differently.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week of February 1 - 7 #3

From the reading this week, I was very intrigued by the Idea of the 5 canons of rhetoric, as a way to create a speech. I find that each of the canons are essential in a great speech. The five canons  begin with the first step which is invention, the process of deciding on the subject matter of a speech. Second step is style which is the process of selecting proper words to convey a message. The third step is arrangement which is the way one order's their ideas. Fourth is the memory step, the ability to memorize what you want to say. Last is delivery, how someone conveys their message to their audience. These five canons of rhetoric make for a good speech. Anyone could follow this model and create a something that is their own and good in content. This was one part of the lesson that I will use for myself in speech writing. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week of February 1 - 7 #2

I completely disagree with the Greeks belief than an orator has to be morally good. There is not a connection between goodness, truth, and public communication. We live in a country that believes in freedom of speech and there are lots of people that exercise that right like Michael Savage. He is a controversial radio host. He is a great orator, he has plenty of followers and when he speaks he commands attention. He is a great speaker but the things that he says or not good, half of it is not true, and seems to be extremely unethical. He has radio talk show that is aired all over the bay area, and if you listen online or through satellite you can hear it across the world. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When I think of a speaker that I admire, I think of my pastor, Pastor Joseph Simmons. He is one of the greatest speakers I have ever herd, and that is why I enjoy going to his church. Personally I think his power to persuade comes from ethos, pathos, and logos. He personal character comes into play when his audience decides if they are going to believe him or not. He is a preacher, so personal character is often taken into consideration. How he acts and how he portrays himself. If he were to come across in a shady manner people would not take him seriously. He can definately arouse emotion. He arouses emotion from the content of his speeches and through the delivery of his speeches. He carefully chooses his wording because he is taken sacred text and interpreting it for his audience. 
I personally think that I use pathos in my ability to persuade. My ability to persuade comes from arousing emotion. I do this through the style of delivery.  
I agree with Aristotle classifications scheme, It works for the speaker that I admire and it also works for me.