Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week of February 1 - 7 #3

From the reading this week, I was very intrigued by the Idea of the 5 canons of rhetoric, as a way to create a speech. I find that each of the canons are essential in a great speech. The five canons  begin with the first step which is invention, the process of deciding on the subject matter of a speech. Second step is style which is the process of selecting proper words to convey a message. The third step is arrangement which is the way one order's their ideas. Fourth is the memory step, the ability to memorize what you want to say. Last is delivery, how someone conveys their message to their audience. These five canons of rhetoric make for a good speech. Anyone could follow this model and create a something that is their own and good in content. This was one part of the lesson that I will use for myself in speech writing. 


  1. I would definitely have to agree with you about the 5 canons of rhetoric. I think when we compose speeches we may or may not think of all these aspects of a speech. for me, i think invention and style is an area where you can really become creative with how you want your speech to come across. Being in an argument and debate class two semesters ago, it makes you think of different avenues to approach a problem; this is probably the most challenging yet rewarding parts about rhetoric.

  2. Hello NiNi! Do you think speakers generally go through each of these steps? Are there other valid strategies a person can utilize to create a good speech?
